Prof. Winnie Iminza Nyamute, PhD

Prof. Winnie Iminza Nyamute, PhD
                                     Prof. Winnie Iminza Nyamute, PhD


Prof. Winnie Iminza Nyamute, PhD

Prof. Nyamute is a full-time Professor  and Consultant in the Department of Finance and Accounting, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences, University of Nairobi. She is the Patron of the Accounting Students Association and also the Faculty Advisor for the Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) Global Research Challenge.

Prof. Nyamute has served on the boards of the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Sameer Africa PLC, Board of Trustees of NSE Clear and of KCA University. She has chaired the audit, risk management and governance committees of both NSE and Sameer. She was the convener of the Special Interest Group of ICPAK. Other committees served include: Disciplinary, Listing and Admissions, Nominations and Remuneration, Derivatives Risk Management, Self Listing and the Audit Quality Assurance.

Prof. Nyamute holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration (Finance), an MBA in Finance, and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Accounting. She is a Certified Public Accountant.



Research in Finance and Accounting.

Management and Quantitative Methods.

Research and Consultancy;

Leadership and Management;

Strategic Planning;





Kerongo, M. M., Nyamute, W., Okiro, K. & Ochieng, D. E. (2022). The Effect of Capital Structure on Financial Performance with Firm Size as a Moderating Variable of Non-Financial Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. African Development Finance Journal, Vol. 1(2): 104-121. ISSN: 2522-3186


Kerongo, M. M., Nyamute, W., Okiro, K. & Ochieng, D. E. (2022). Capital Structure, Liquidity and Financial Performance of Non-Financial Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. African Development Finance Journal, Vol. 1(2): 16-33 ISSN: 2522-3186


Mbai, A., Nyamute, W., Ochieng, D. E. & Muthoni, M. (2022). Corporate Diversification, Firm Size and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. African Development Finance Journal, Vol. 1(1): 1-11 ISSN: 2522-3186


Murithi, D., Nyamute, W., Ondigo, H. & Ochieng, D. E. (2022). Effect of Organizational Culture on the Relationship between Corporate Diversification and Financial Performance in the Kenyan Insurance Service Sector. African Development Finance Journal, Vol. 4(1): 73-90 ISSN: 2522-3186



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